Are you searching for the right institute to help you balance your hormones? Look no further as we are board certified doctors in this area that specialize in hormone replacement therapy. This is our main specialty & we focus on what our patients tell us. We know the safety & efficacy of options for you & your symptoms.
Some male menopause or andropause symptoms are decreased energy, decreased libido or interest in sex, erectile dysfunction with loss of erections, depression, hot flashes, night sweats, infertility & thinning of bones or bone muscle weakness & aches, inability to sleep, to name a few.
There are over 35 symptoms of female menopause. Some are hot flashes, night sweats, loss of libido, irregular periods, mood changes, fatigue, vaginal dryness, loss or thinning hair to name a few.
We use Bio Identical Hormones & hormone pellets for both males & females . Enjoy the steady level of hormones using up to date pellets therapy & avoid fluctuating hormone levels .

If you have menopause or andropause or feel that your hormones are imbalanced, we will provide for you the information you need to ensure a peaceful experience of the new life cycle that you are going through. We provide prescription hormones, creams, gels, patches, implants, injections, bioidentical, natural, & combinations of certain medications if needed to help one minimize their symptoms.
Get your mammogram, dexa scan, & laboratory data checked through us! Don’t hesitate to call or request apt online.
For more information see website below:
For more information on our hormone replacement & aesthetics services, call us today at (850) 522.5490