At IEDHH, we have always strived to provide the best diabetes care for our patients. Now, we are proud to offer diabetes self-management education* as well.

Diabetes self-management education (DSME) is a process of providing the knowledge, skill, & ability for necessary diabetes self-care, taught by a diabetes health professional. The diabetes professional, usually a nurse or dietitian, will also provide ongoing support needed to successfully change behaviors to better manage your diabetes. DSME is designed to address the many factors that influence each person’s ability to manage diabetes, including cultural needs, physical limitations, financial status, medical history, family support, & others.There are many benefits to going through this type of diabetes education.
Do you experience headache, fatigue, symptoms of low blood sugar, dizziness, increased urination, increased thirst, & or increased hunger? Are you being referred to our clinic for diabetes & having trouble with your sugar?
Don’t worry; you are on the right website! We take care of “sweet” people & try to make them “unsweet” ! We also help people learn how to live with diabetes & be able to maximize their quality of life. This is what sets us apart from all other clinics.

Our diabetes institute is special & differs from others as we tailor to your specific needs. We see a wide variety of people with diabetes of almost all ages & we see all kinds & types. If you are diabetic or trying to prevent diabetes we are here to help as well. We treat pre-diabetes, diabetes type 1, Diabetes type 2, & Gestational Diabetes or Pregnancy complicated by diabetes.
We are apart of a research for type 1 diabetes. If you have a family member with type 1 diabetes, you may qualify to participate in this research. For more information, please contact us via phone or Click Here to submit an online inquiry.

Type 1 Diabetes
Symptoms may include:
Frequent urination
Increased thirst
Extreme hunger
Marked weight loss
Extreme fatigue
Type 2 Diabetes
Symptoms may include:
Any of the Type 1 symptoms
Recurring infections
Blurred vision
Cuts or bruises slow to heal
Numbness or tingling in the hands/feet
Frequent skin, gum, or bladder infections
We offer nutritional classes & individual meetings one on one with a nutritionist who will individualize meal planning specific to you & your needs.
We also have a gym, located in our facility; to help you reach your goals of desired weight loss, maintain muscle mass, & with the help of our physical therapists & trainers you can achieve your goals quick.
We have support groups that will make you feel back to yourself in no time.
For additional information about diabetes & some of the tools we use to manage this disease, please visit:
For more information on our diabetes services, call us today at (850) 522.5490
Gym Now Open in Our Facility!
We also have a gym, located in our facility; to help you reach your goals of desired weight loss, maintain muscle mass, & with the help of our physical therapists & trainers you can achieve your goals quick.
We have support groups that will make you feel back to yourself in no time.